Sunday, November 26, 2006

Researchers Find Route to Happier Life

Three Exercises to Make Yourself Happier

Exercise 1: Three Blessings

The following exercise is one of several that have shown preliminary promise in recent research into how people can make themselves happier - not just for a day or two, but long-term. It's part of a larger body of work that challenges a long-standing skepticism about whether that's even possible.

To increase overall happiness, every night, think of three good things that happened that day and analyze why they occurred. (Yes, you may list more than three blessings. It is the experience of some that the more you list, the better you feel. But three will suffice.)

Feel free to use the following sentence completion phrases, which I created for my use, to jog your memory or come up with something better for you..

1. One thing that went well today is ...

  • Why I believe it occured is ...
2. Another good thing that went well today is ...

  • Why I believe it occurred is ...
3. Another good thing that went well today is ...

  • Why I believe it occurred is ...

Gratitude exercises can do more than lift one's mood. At the University of California at Davis, psychologist Robert Emmons found they improve physical health, raise energy levels and, for patients with neuromuscular disease, relieve pain and fatigue. "The ones who benefited most tended to elaborate more and have a wider span of things they're grateful for," he notes.

Exercise 2: Gratitude Visit

The single most effective way to turbocharge your joy is to make a "gratitude visit." That means writing a testimonial thanking a teacher, pastor or grandparent ... anyone to whom you owe a debt of gratitude ... and then visiting that person to read him or her the letter of appreciation.

"The remarkable thing," says University of Pennsylvania psychologist Martin Seligman, "is that people who do this just once are measurably happier and less depressed a month later. But it's gone by three months."

Less powerful but more lasting, he says, is an exercise he calls three blessings ... taking time each day to write down a trio of things that went well and why. "People are less depressed and happier three months later and six months later." (See Exercise 1)

Exercise 3: Using a Strength or Unique Ability to Perform an Act of Kindness

The biggest recommendation for lasting happiness is to find new ways to use your strengths or unique abilities to perform acts of kindness for others.

What is your strength or unique ability? Let's find out, if you don't already know.

Personal Strength Analysis ***

1) There are things we all do well, and they come easy for us to do.

2) There are things we do well, but they take great effort for me and you.

3) There are things we don't do well, no matter how hard we try. (Example: It would be a mistake to ask me to fix your car.)

We're looking here for things that fall into category #1.

Complete the following sentence to begin your search for your strengths and unique abilities:

"Something I seem to do well, and it's easy for me to do is __."

If you really can't think of a strength or unique ability, get help from your family and friends who really know you well. My experience is they will love that you asked and be to happy to share their insights with you, about you. Why? Because helping you is an act of kindness for them. And acts of kindness make people happy. Really.

But don't take my word for it. Test this for yourself. Send an email to family and friends , soliciting their reponses to these two questions:

1. What do you see as my strength or unique ability?

2. How do you see me using it to serve others?

You will know, when you read the reponses, which ones are right on target And if several of the responses point to the same strength, believe it. It's a strength.

If the responses point to more than one strength or unique ability ... and they may ... pick one, for starters, and find a new way to use it this week to perform an act of kindness. You'll be glad you did.

*** The Strength Analysis exercise is one I may have created, but can't recall with total certainty ... due to a "Senior Moment". Regardless, I highly recommend it.

See and for full articles on the above excercises. Definitely worth the read.

Tony-ims2 - 11.26.2006

"Find a need and meet it. Whatever goes well, repeat it."
- Tony Brigmon

"Talk less, do more. Less talk, more do. Do first, talk later. Later talk, first do."
- Tony Brigmon

"Talkers say, 'Here's what I'm gonna do'. Doers say, 'Here's what I've done'. Talkers keep getting around to it, while doers are having fun."
- Tony Brigmon

"It really aint bragging if you've really done it. But you won't have nothing to talk about if you haven't even begun it."
- Tony Brigmon

"Find out what people want and get it to them before someone else does and you have a sale. Delight them with something extra they're not expecting and you have a customer."
- Tony Brigmon

Tony-ims - 11.26.2006

"The higher you reach, the sweeter the fruit. If you can't reach it from where you are, find another route."
- Tony Brigmon

"Same old, same old leads to ... same old, same old."
- Tony Brigmon

"Education without aspiration only leads to frustration."
- Tony Brigmon

"Just because it aint broke doesn't mean we can't improve it."
- Tony Brigmon

"Don't expect great results with minimum effort."
- Tony Brigmon

Saturday, November 25, 2006


"Double-Trouble is what you get when you don't learn from the first trouble."
- Tony Brigmon

"When Trouble tangles with Possibility, Possibility wins ... every time."
- Tony Brigmon

"Trouble is only a problem for the unprepared."
- Tony Brigmon


“When ‘I’ becomes ‘We’, our success is guaranteed.”
– Tony Brigmon

“People will support what they help create.”
– Tony Brigmon


"Your success is the best revenge for those who seek to crush your dreams."
- Tony Brigmon

"Some dream of success. Others dream and work hard for success. My money is on the latter."
- Tony Brigmon


"Stupid will go repeatedly where Dumb will only go once."
- Tony Brigmon

"Dumb is superior to Stupid because knowledge will cure Dumb."
- Tony Brigmon


"A great risk may lead to a great disappointment or a great accomplishment, but either way you win ... if you learn from either."
- Tony Brigmon

"A great risk will yield to greater preparation."
- Tony Brigmon


"The great pretender will not live in splendor ... at least not for long."
- Tony Brigmon

"Let others toot your horn. It sounds a whole lot better."
- Tony Brigmon


"Nepotism will yield to results. If it doesn't, find another family ... or produce better results."
- Tony Brigmon


"Anyplace worth going has a hazard. The good news is: There's a way around it ... or through it ... if you look for it."
- Tony Brigmon

"A hazard can make you bitter ... or a hazard can make you better. Learn the lesson from the hazard and then follow it to the letter."
- Tony Brigmon


"If it's the right target, it's worth multiple shots to hit it. If it's the wrong target, don't waste a shot."
- Tony Brigmon

"If you want to lose your tranquility and reach total futility, keep taking on things beyond your ability."
- Tony Brigmon


"You may get to the top with flattery, but only results will keep you there."
- Tony Brigmon

"Flattery, flattery ... what you gonna do? What you gonna do when Accountability comes for you?"
- Tony Brigmon


"Hard work will not kill ... but there are those who believe it will ... and because of their belief ... never know the ultimate thrill.
- Tony Brigmon

"Right effort leads to right results. Wrong effort leads to dillusion, deception, and wrong results."
- Tony Brigmon

"Following your passion is fun, not hard work, but it may appear that way to others."
- Tony Brigmon


"To focus on a limitation will cause you to walk with trepidation without the inspiration to reach your destination. So ... delegate your limitations and focus on your strengths."
- Tony Brigmon

"A limitation is simply an invitation for a different application to your situation ... leading to inspiration ... to initiation... to culmination ... and finally to ... Celebration!"
- Tony Brigmon


"Responsibility follows Accountability. Make them accountable and they will make themselves responsible."
- Tony Brigmon

“You cannot have an action without a consequence, but you can choose an action with a pleasant consequence.”
– Tony Brigmon


"Only when you drop your indifference can you make a difference."
- Tony Brigmon

“Are you on a path to somewhere or in a rut to nowhere? If you’re in a rut, stop digging. If you’re on a path, keep walking.”
- Tony Brigmon


“If the ‘dream’ is not a ‘team dream’, you cannot have a Dream Team. But what you will have is a night-mare, only this one will be real.”
– Tony Brigmon

“Until they are ‘sold’ on the destination, they will not follow you for the duration, and at the very first complication, there will be a condemnation – of you!"
– Tony Brigmon


"To reach a goal at the expense of another ... will not only taint the goal, but also disgrace your mother."
- Tony Brigmon

Friday, November 24, 2006


On the other hand ...
“The secret to getting ahead is to stop looking behind.”
- Tony Brigmon


“Ego-nomics is not economical. It has a price you cannot afford to pay. Check your ego at the door - you don't need it anymore. It's not something you want on display. What pays is Humility. And when people see it in business, they will pay to see it again.”
- Tony Brigmon


"It is easier to gain and retain a customer than it is to REGAIN one."
- Tony Brigmon

Fail your way to success!

The good news is ...
"You can fail your way to success ... when you learn from every failure."
- Tony Brigmon