Thursday, December 09, 2010

Meeting Planner for Alzheimer's Association, Cincinnati, OH

"Just The Right Program At the Right Time!"

What We Wanted:
The Professional Staff Organization of the Alzheimer's Association has not traditionally had a speaker for its Annual Breakfast Meeting. Our previous focus has been business issues and the very serious challenges we face every day in programming for persons with Alzheimer's disease and their families.

This year we wanted to honor our members for their commitment, acknowledge the pressure we have been under and arrange a program that would be energizing and fun for everyone.

What We Got:
Tony Brigmon was exactly what we needed we laughed together, tapped our feet together and concluded with double-handshakes and hugs. It was just the right program at the right time and we liked it so much that we have asked Tony to return next year for our 4th Annual Breakfast. Thank you, Tony!

Diana Trenkamp
Alzheimer's Association
Cincinnati, OH

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