Thursday, December 09, 2010

Meeting Planner for United Space Alliance National Management Association Houston Chapter, Houston, TX

"Always Well Beyond What We Ask. Tony Is Number 1 In My Book!"

What We Wanted:
Tony has spoken to us before. We had the best response on enjoyment of the meeting that we have ever had. Bringing Tony back was based upon the fact that a lot of tragedy has occurred in recent past (floods, 9/11, etc.). We felt the people needed a good laugh that taught us a little about incorporating fun into our work. Tony was the obvious choice to accomplish this.

What We Got:
As I "expected", Tony exceeded our expectations. His ability to get the audience involved, have a good time, get his message clearly across to everyone, and satisfy our needs is always well beyond what we ask. And I know he can do it, which is why I asked to have him back! He is absolutely fantastic! And a pretty darn good singer, too! 

I only wish more organizations would have him in to show that humor is essential in the well-being of the organization; it is a win-win situation. Tony is number 1 in my book.

Janet Morris
Meeting Planner
United Space Alliance National Management Association
Houston Chapter, Houston, TX

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