Thursday, December 09, 2010

Meeting Planner for Bowne of Detroit, MI

"He Brings Important Business Philosophy Down To Understandable, Meaningful And Manageable Size!"

What We Wanted:
Our situation was an all-hands-on-deck annual gathering of over 140 composition employees from three cities in the south Central Region of Bowne. We were looking for a speaker who could motivate, inspire and encourage a diverse group which deals with deadlines, stress and pressure on a daily basis. We wanted a speaker who understood the importance of continuous focus and commitment to internal and external customers. 

We chose Tony Brigmon because he had presented to other Bowne employee groups in the past and was able to relate to our business, our employees and our customers exceptionally well and in a way that allowed the group to have a good time yet take away something valuable and applicable from the session.

What We Got:
Our expectations were exceeded! Attendees commented on the enthusiasm and naturalness of Tony's style and the relevance of his message. Tony truly enjoys his work and it really shows - it would be hard to fake his upbeat and positive demeanor. He brings important business philosophy down to understandable, meaningful and manageable size. I recommend Tony and his program without reservation to others.

Ray Bat
Central Region Director - Composition
Bowne of Detroit, MI

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