Thursday, December 09, 2010

Meeting Planner for Insurance Professionals "I-Day" (Insurance Day), Jefferson City, MO

"Audience Interaction Had Everyone On Their Feet, Laughing, And Having A Good Time!"

What We Wanted:
We are a group of Insurance Professionals that meet once a year for "I-Day" (Insurance Day). We wanted to close our day with a motivational, fun, enthusiastic speaker that would leave us all feeling good about ourselves. I had heard Tony speak at the Toastmaster International Convention in Miami, and felt he was the man for the job.

What We Got:
Tony was great! He fulfilled our expectations and more! His audience interaction had everyone on their feet, laughing, and having a good time. At the end of the day, everyone completes an evaluation of the program. Tony was rated the highest on every evaluation form. 

Because of his presentation, other organizations in Central Missouri have inquired about contacting him.

Direct Comments to Tony: We thought you were GREAT!!! You took a boring, professional seminar and made it VERY enjoyable!  Tony, you're the BEST! You're THE MAN!

Cindy Larm, CPCU
Meeting Planner

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