Thursday, December 09, 2010

Meeting Planner for Winkler County Credit Union, Kermit, TX

"What We Got Was the 'Big Bang!'"

What We Wanted:
We were holding the last meeting of the year and we really wanted to "go out with a bang!"

What We Got:
What we got was the "Big Bang!" I had numerous attendees tell me afterwards how much they enjoyed the program. Other staff members of my credit union came back the next morning telling the ones who hadn't gone that they really missed it. They were kind enough to tell them some of the things they had learned from Mr. Brigmon.

P.S. Tony, I did get wonderful feedback myself which was gratifying since it was the last program I was responsible for at the end of a two-year term.

Devora Mitchell
Winkler County Credit Union
Kermit, TX

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